
Liminal Pathways Blog

Communitas: Hope and Belonging in the Midst of Disruption

β€œThe pandemic and current social uprising changes everything we see, everything we write, and everything we read.”
β€” Jane ...

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Turning Toward One Another in a Time of Crisis

The more I try to grasp the many dimensions of the global crisis that has so fundamentally changed our lives, the more I care ab

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Responding to the Global Emergency from the Inside Out

A heightened sense of interconnectedness of our human community is awakening around the world. It is an interconnectedness that

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Recovering an Indigenous View of the World: The Sundance

The Sundance Ceremony of the North American Great Plains People (which includes territories of the Cree people in Canada) is a pra...

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Working with Crucibles of Change

One of the central topics that David Sibbet and I explore in The Grove workshop Designing and Leading Change is how to identify

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Rites of Passage and Wisdom Emerging

A couple of months ago I participated in the Wisdom Emerging retreat at IONS with Alan Briskin, Lauren Artress and Angeles Arrie

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Altered States or Altered Realities

When I first became introduced into indigenous spiritual healing traditions, I began to experience things that were out of the o

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Ceremony As A Collective Healing Response

A few posts ago I shared my perception that ceremonies are a collective healing response to the existential experiences of being h...

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Rites of Passage: Pivoting at the Edge with Spirit

Please feel free toΒ download Understanding Rites of Passages. for a more conceptual overview, its traditional use and applicatio...

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Dreamtime or Time for Dreaming – Two


Sometime after the painting Incubation: Lizard Dreaming was done, I looked online to find any references to animal to

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